Avoid these most common mistakes for a smooth move

1. Not Hiring a Mover

The moving mistake: In an attempt to save money, you don’t hire a moving company, only to find yourself without supplies, a truck, or friends to help with the heavy lifting.

The fix: Once you crunch the numbers, hiring a moving company is actually quite affordable, and well worth the money. Depending on the level of service you need, movers can do everything from packing up all of your valuables, to transporting and unpacking, leaving you more time (and energy!) to take care of the rest of the moving logistics.

2. Inadequate Research

The moving mistake: You’ve hired a moving company, but didn’t call around for bids, or realize that you chose peak moving season, and now you’re out a lot of money.

The fix: Take some time, read online reviews of local moving companies, and call each of them for bids. Let them know what the other companies are offering you, and negotiate a better deal. Also, do some research into peak moving times; often, moving during the warmer summer months will cost you more than if you move in the off-season.

3. Forgetting to Make Arrangements for Animals

The moving mistake: Everything is packed on the truck and ready to go…except for the dog, cat, fish tank, and all of your houseplants.

The fix: No mover is going to take a live animal with them for you (no matter how small), and most won’t transport live plants either. Without preparation on your part to transport them, you might find yourself with an unplanned car-full of additional passengers. If you’re driving a great distance and will need to break overnight at a hotel, make sure you check ahead of time that the town you’re planning to stop in has one that’s pet friendly. Check local ordinances regarding bringing in plants and animals into your new state or town, as well. Some states will require animals be quarantined for a period of time, and you may need up-to-date shot records for each furry family member too.

4. You Didn’t Pack a Survival Kit

The moving mistake: Everything is packed and on the truck. Including all of your socks and underwear.

The fix: Pack a suitcase for a week or two of survival-time while you’re in the process of moving. Clean clothes, toiletries, medications, important documents, and a small tool kit (with hammer, screwdriver, tape, and box cutter) will allow you to live more comfortably before you locate which box everything ended up in. Also include space for any small and expensive or sentimental items that would be better kept on you than in a moving truck.

5. Too Much Junk

The moving mistake: You ended up going way over your estimate because you didn’t get rid of unnecessary junk before the movers got there.

The fix: Lighten your load prior to your move. A few weeks before, get rid of any unnecessary items that don’t need to come with you, especially large ones like furniture you will no longer have room for or appliances that won’t have the hookups needed. This is also a prime time to go through your closets and get rid of any clothing you haven’t worn recently. Consider hosting a garage sale beforehand; you’ll get rid of things and earn some money to help fund your move at the same time. Also, don’t forget that there are plenty of folks out there who struggling; why not gift the items you no longer want to the needy? Either way, it’s a “win-win.”



Need more moving tips? Read our article about how to pack alone and save money.


Einat Mazafi is the owner of NY Moving, a local and long-distance moving company based in New York. She is also a specialist in providing the best relocation solutions to clients worldwide.